Friday, December 7, 2007

BYU International Cinema

Brigham Young University offers an exciting alternative to the traditional movie date. Several times each month, BYU shows numerous international films free of charge. Apparently, it is "the worlds largest and longest-running foreign film program".

BYU International Cinema, sponsored by the BYU College of Humanities, is designed to meet the following three educational objectives:

1. To supplement the curriculum of BYU foreign language classes by providing frequent opportunities both to hear native speakers of such languages, and to experience the art and culture of the countries in which those languages are spoken;

2. To supplement the curriculum of BYU English, film and humanities classes by showing classic and quality films from the canon of world cinema, as well as cinematic adaptations of great English literature;

3. To provide BYU honors students with frequent and consistent opportunities to complete the film component of their Honors Great Works requirement.

This is not just for Humanities students, in fact it is free for anyone. This is a really good date idea, and the movies always leave you with something to talk about.

For additional information on current showings click here

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